Monday, November 1, 2010

Guy Fawkes

Remember remember…. the 5th of November. Fireworks, bright colours and sparks… the excitement of watching the spectacle and having fun with friends is how I remember Guy Fawkes.

I grew up in this short little cul-de-sac and we were a bunch of 8 kids that did practically everything together – playing all sorts of outdoor games mostly like hide & seek… cowboys and crooks, king and dodge ball. We built our version of little club houses in our backyards and these served as strategic meeting points where brilliant ideas were concocted of how we could get up to mischief. My brother had bright ambitions of building an underground club house once. Sadly, this mission didn’t get much further than the massive hole we started digging in the backyard…. Daddy of course didn’t think the idea was that bright at all. Anyway- Guy Fawkes was one of the momentous occasions we all looked forward to celebrating.

Weeks before I’d start accumulating my array of fireworks and sparkles and the afternoon of Guy Fawkes , waiting for sunset, just seemed like the looooongest flippin afternoon ever. When sunset fiiiiiinally decided to grace us, it was off to whichever clubhouse was the designated meeting point for the evening. First we’d examine the array of fireworks we had between us- then pick what to fire up first and decide which ones we’d keep for last. And a fun filled evening of bright sparks, colours and games was off. Happy times!!!

The tradition was born of a bit of sad story though. On November 5, Londoners were encouraged to celebrate the king’s escape from being assassinated by Guy Fawkes by lighting bonfires. Guy Fawkes elected to jump from the gallows moments before his official hanging.

These days, I’m just not sure whether celebrating it is such a good thing anymore. I’ve heard stories of people getting injured and killed on this night. And then there’s the big debate, particularly by animal activists, about whether fireworks should be banned altogether.

Irrespective, if you’re considering lighting up this November 5th, be sure to keep it to restricted areas.


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